Do you have upward mobility in your organization? Most everyone wants to do their job well and learn from their experience so that they can move ahead in the company. The question is do you have such a climate in your company for someone to get ahead, or do they have to leave and go somewhere else to advance their career?
Most large well run organizations have a formal career path that is well laid out by HR. Those people who have advancement potential are given new tasks to broaden themselves with progressively increases in their responsibility. This path can be in a management position or a senior technical position. This is called the dual ladder concept.
In many small to mid sized companies one has to fend for themselves and find a way to advance on their own and there is no helping hand to guide them. They learn as much as they can and go elsewhere to get to the next rung in the ladder. This is indeed unfortunate as the company has lost the investment they made in that person often because they are simply looking if that person is paying for themselves instead of how much more they could do for the company with guidance. Planning for personal growth does not happen by accident, it takes a dedicated effort and involves a well orchestrated approach including a variety of issues from: funding and resources, to training and continuing education, mentoring and cross training, providing financial incentives and perks, chemistry and organizational issues, building bench strength and hiring trainees, just to name a few.
Well managed companies devote 20% or more of their time to figuring out how they will improve their various tiers in the organization. Those that do not do this find themselves continuing to lose their best people to the competition. Succession planning is a never ending process and no one keeps, or wants to retain all of their people as one wants new ideas to be coming through. The more dynamic a company and the more competitive the environment they are in the more effort they need to devote to this process.
We welcome your questions as to the challenges you face in order to grow.
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Optimal Management has served the staffing industry since 1994 and has been a member of NACCB, CSP, ASA and NTSA. Our President, Michael Neidle has been in the staffing industry since 1989, including a senior executive for 2 large national staffing companies, starts-ups and Fortune 500 Corporations in the IT, biotech, service, and manufacturing sectors and is a noted speaker and author. Optimal Management was selected for the 2012 Best of San Mateo Award in the Business Management Consultants category. [More]