Are you focusing in on providing the least expensive product or service to your prospects and clients instead of providing them with a proposition that increases their profits at your expense? It’s very easy to cut your prices to meet the competition, or at lease what your customers tell you your competitors are charging. It is much harder to switch the topic to not what you may or may not be charging vis a vis the competition, to rather how much more money you can save your customer then some one else. This however takes sales skills as opposed to that of an order taker. Anyone can get an order by giving away the store, it takes a sales professional to understand the needs and requirements of the customer and provide that to them, so it becomes a win-win proposition where both entities can make money. It should not be in the interest of the customer to bankrupt one of their vendors, but rather increase their own profits, but all too often left to their own devises that is what they might accomplish. It is like the thoughtless fishermen who trolls the water for every last fish and wonders why there is no catch next year, or who does not make use of the by products of the catch that are not eaten.
If you are selling to procurement, whose only purpose is to get the lowest possible price regardless of the consequences to the rest of the organization, you might have tough times as they are rewarded at your expense. Your job is to find someone who understands the concept of maximizing their own profits instead of minimizing yours. This might be the CFO, COO, CEO or department head. It then becomes your job to find out where the inefficiencies, problems, bottleneck and other needs are that you can use your services to help your customer improve their performance, which may be more profitable to your client then if you just cut your prices.
To do this will require an understanding of how your customers operate, the problems they have and finding out how you can provide a solution that transcends price. No company operates flawlessly, it is your task to develop a relationship through sufficient credibility and knowledge on your part so that your customer will take you into their confidence so you can actually help them by doing something else then lowing your prices. There may be delivery, service or quality issues, guarantees, volume discounts, value added service, relationships you have with other vendors for integrated solutions, or dozens of needs both known to the customer or unknown that you can uncover for them that will allow you to increase their profit as hence your own. Remember people like to do business with people they like. Get them to bond and like you; share their problems with you and in turn you may be able to increase their bottom line.
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Do you accept the proposition that all business is not necessarily good business? Do you so aggressively pursue new orders that you are not able walk away from a bad deal? If you sweep the streets you will invariable take orders your competitors did not want. In rare instances companies pursuing a predatory pricing strategy where they attempt to put competitors out of business, but if you are indeed a small to mid sized company this not a game that you should think about playing.
So let’s consider what might drive a company to go after all the business out there. They might want to grow which is a good idea, but taking business at a minimal or no profit is not the way to go unless for example you have lots of capital to finance your way to the point where you can make money this way, such as amortizing your fixed cost over a larger sale base or using LOSS LEADERS to penetrate a client and then increase your bill rate and margin rate.
If you don’t have such a MARKETING STRATEGY and are able to track your performance to make sure you are getting where you need to be, then exercise a more disciplined marketing approach. This would include determining: 1. Which jobs you can make money at given your current costs. 2. Which book of business you can negotiate a higher price at and only taking those. 3. Lowering your cost so that you can make a profit at the pricing levels you need to meet.
When you don’t have a well thought out and effective LOSS LEADER program, or can exercise one of these 3 MARKETING STRATEGIES to make money; then be prepared to walk away from this business. Many clients will try to find a vendor foolish enough to take business at a loss because they either do not know their cost, are desperate enough to take any business even if it is unprofitable to keep their staff busy, simply want to have a “big name” client on their books somehow hoping that the cache will bring in more profitable clients, etc. There competitors who can make money on business that you can’t do to their lower cost structure or other differences. Try negotiating a fair price before walking away from a bad deal. But when you can’t the best decision and looking for business that you can make a fair profit on. Know thyself and make your choices accordingly.
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Do you use checks and balances in your company to both insure accuracy and prevent embezzlement? In all well run companies management has installed this tool to insure everything important is both inspected by someone using cross referenced documents and that critical financial transactions are monitored by at least two different parties who do not report to each other. Yet it is surprising how many organizations do not follow these simple procedures. It is like not testing the lock on your door when leaving your house, just to make sure you turned the key before you leave.Let’s look at just a few simple examples.
Most all companies run monthly P&L’s as well as weekly sales and margin reports. But many have different systems that do not tie the weekly reports to the monthly P&L’s reports. Allowing for adjusted such as late journal entry, cash vs. accrual accounting, etc., these should be able to be cross referenced, but often do not leading to unreconciled variances. Sales and margin for the same period should have a check and balances. Often the staffing software back-office data do not tie to QuickBooks, or an outside payroll and billing service resulting in unexplained variances, booked as an “adjustment” which really does not confirm which values are in fact the correct numbers. We come across this situation surprisingly often.
Another type of check and balance looks for discrepancies that might be a result of malfeasance. Say that the A/P person creates a fake vendor and cuts a check to them for services or products that were never provided. That vendor may be working in collusion with the A/P and they both share in ill gotten gains. By having another person not working along side the A/P person check with the party receiving that service/product can insure against fraud when the department signs off those items as received and such embezzlement could dramatically reduced. We know of actual instance where this happened, in one case where restitution was made and in another jail time was served.
In a third situation, employees have downloaded privileged and confidential information and used it to either start their own business or used this to secure a new job. This could be spotted by IT tech people looking for suspicious files that have been downloaded on site or remotely. And there is software designed to track this kind of activity. Too assume that your employee handbook that notes that such acts are forbidden, are grounds for termination and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, will not usually dissuade unethical employees. As President Reagan once said in a different context, “trust but verify.”
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How do most companies grow? Some do it through the sheer determination of the CEO, coming up with a new innovation, meeting a need better then others, networking or marketing very well, but many do it by empowering their staff to accept responsibility to grow the company by doing their part. Needless to say one must start with a quality staff capable and motivated to find opportunities that the company can then capitalize on. Then as the company succeeds those who are involved in this process are properly rewarded.
I have personally found excellent innovative concepts coming from the equipment operators on the factory floor and the rank and file suggestion box.
This process starts with a CEO who encourages their staff to take chances and even make a few mistakes along the way as long as they are not too serious and they learn from their experiences. Those who stick their neck out with new ideas that do not succeed should not be discouraged and others will be encouraged to innovate. Successful companies such as Google actually give their employees 10% free time to experiment with new ideas. They have resulted in numerous new business beyond the search engine everything from Google Maps, Android to Google AdWords. Not every idea works, but the net financial contribution of the successes vastly outweigh the fails which have included such flops like Google Checkout and Froogle to Google Labs and the jury is still out on Google Glass.Here are a few of the principles that they have followed to achieve success:
1. Have a mission that matters.
2. Think big, but start small.
3. Strive for continual innovation, not instant perfection.
4. Look for ideas everywhere and 5. Spark with imagination, fuel with data.
Admittedly not every company can hire the best and brightest or even be in high tech to innovate and one might be amazed what good people can do given the right nurturing environment. Older companies such as Herman Miller, Target, Wal-Mart, Whole Foods and Payless have become leaders in their markets thanks to internal innovations. And whoever heard of Facebook or Alibababa when they were just started out?
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Do you have upward mobility in your organization? Most everyone wants to do their job well and learn from their experience so that they can move ahead in the company. The question is do you have such a climate in your company for someone to get ahead, or do they have to leave and go somewhere else to advance their career?
Most large well run organizations have a formal career path that is well laid out by HR. Those people who have advancement potential are given new tasks to broaden themselves with progressively increases in their responsibility. This path can be in a management position or a senior technical position. This is called the dual ladder concept.
In many small to mid sized companies one has to fend for themselves and find a way to advance on their own and there is no helping hand to guide them. They learn as much as they can and go elsewhere to get to the next rung in the ladder. This is indeed unfortunate as the company has lost the investment they made in that person often because they are simply looking if that person is paying for themselves instead of how much more they could do for the company with guidance. Planning for personal growth does not happen by accident, it takes a dedicated effort and involves a well orchestrated approach including a variety of issues from: funding and resources, to training and continuing education, mentoring and cross training, providing financial incentives and perks, chemistry and organizational issues, building bench strength and hiring trainees, just to name a few.
Well managed companies devote 20% or more of their time to figuring out how they will improve their various tiers in the organization. Those that do not do this find themselves continuing to lose their best people to the competition. Succession planning is a never ending process and no one keeps, or wants to retain all of their people as one wants new ideas to be coming through. The more dynamic a company and the more competitive the environment they are in the more effort they need to devote to this process.
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Do you set goals for yourself and others; better yet do you set stretch goals and standards for productivity and efficiency? It is a well known fact that most people strive to attain things if there is a reward in it for them. If there is no reason to exert oneself they will be satisfied to level out at some middling of performance and not push themselves beyond their comfort zone. And everyone’s comfort zone is different. Some people just want to earn enough to pay their rent or do just enough not to get fired. But fortunately most people want to do more then to just survive and actually have a dream be it getting a larger apartment or buying a home, or being promoted instead of avoiding being fired. They are looking for job satisfaction, recognition, competitive instinct, or more money. People usually respond really well to more money. This is the concept of striving and having stretch goals vs. being complacent.
Let’s consider a business developer. This person should not be complacent; they are typically results oriented and strive for success and higher earnings. If they do not have these traits they might be better suited as an order taker or processor. As someone who is financially motivated the higher one sets their goal the more they will strive to achieve them and if they don’t fully achieve them they will at least earn more then if they did not stretch to almost reach them.
Let’s assume that a person’s earnings were tied to gross profit (GP) and their norm generating $1,000,000 in GP at a 2% commission rate, or $20,000 incentive. To encourage them to produce more a sliding commission was put in place where each additional $500,000 in GP would earn an additional 1%. Thus, if their GP rose to $1,500,000 they would earn $25,000 in commission and if their GP rose to $2,000,000 their commission would rise to $55,000. Doubling their GP would net then $35,000 more. If we did not have such a sliding scale they would have earned $40,000 in commission. Interestingly, the blended commission rate on $2,000,000 in GP would only increase from 2.0% to 2.8%. A driven person would still try to produce more, but may or may not work quite so hard if there was a greater premium placed upon doubling his performance. He might even look for a higher commission elsewhere and the company should realize that this person might just be worth the additional payout and this would be a win-win situation for them and the company.
Stretch goals not only work but are self compensating, no increase in GP, no increase in commission. A stretch goal plus a sliding commission scale can motivate driven people to run the extra mile. Clearly the economics must be cost justified when creating any such plan.
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How many times have you said that competing on price is a fool’s errand and you need to find a way to break your clients mind set that it’s all about competitive pricing? Well there are many ways to break this cycle. One of them is providing value added services to your clients and prospects.
Value added services are those services that you can offer clients and prospects to separate you from your competition. And where there is no difference between your clients and prospects and you are providing a commodity and the only logical choice in choosing one company over another is who is offering the lowest price. This is the situation in many industries, from mining to your local supermarket, gas station or internet provider. Some companies try to make a simple distinction in providing better or friendlier service or delivery but that is the obvious first step and usually the commodity aspect of what is offered is so similar that price soon becomes the decision point. If you are in this position your choice is easy, get your costs down so you can offer the lowest price. If you are not a large company that can offer economies of scale it is unlikely, though still possible, that you can have low cost. Your choice then is to reduce your prices and hence profit or become more creative to “decommodify” your product or service.
This is where value added comes in. If you can discern your clients needs, or get him to think out of the box, beyond offering him just the basic thing that you are selling you are on the way to providing value added services and avoiding cut throat price competition. Here are a few examples from the simplest to more involved and creative solutions. Volume discount, extended payment terms and zero interest financing fall into the first area and you probably have done this already. To the extent that your competitors have done this as well, you are probably back to competing on price, so you need to become more creative.
Here is just one example of a value added service. You are providing a service to a manufacturing company that is either a small part of a large corporation and is not getting the resources they need. Or they are a small stand alone company without such resources. In some cases they might not even know what they are missing and you can open up their eyes to what value added service they need and you can provide to them, provided that they give their business to you. To do this you would have likely either worked for them before or have serviced like companies and know enough about what they should have and are capable of providing that service to them. This could range from (depending on what you know): to work flow improvement, increased processing speed and better quality control/reduced scrap, to assessment of their internal staff, free outplacement of terminated employees/HR consulting. There is no limit to what value added services you can offer to get away from commodity pricing, given their needs and your creativity. The more volume you get, the more value added service you can offer; it’s like the gold, silver and platinum levels for frequent flyers.
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Did you ever become confused or intimidated by so called high finance? Well if you are a CEO of a small to mid sized company and do not have a CPA or MBA don’t be intimidated. You only need to understand the fundamentals of what finance means to you and your business and that is not all that difficult. We will go into just a few basics.
Let’s go over the basics that you really need to know. You need enough money to operate your company by meeting payroll, paying your bills and getting enough money through the door to do that. If you are short for a limited period of time that is where loans, a line of credit, extending your payments, your cash reserves, and a rich uncle, etc. comes in handy. This is called liquidity. Most financial institutions use a short hand method of doing this which is called the current ratio which is your current assets divided by your current liabilities. A ratio of around 2:1 is usually satisfactory this was 1.5:1 a while ago, but just think of the simple concept of having enough money to pay your bills with a safety factor, to cover any surprises. But you local bank will set their own standards and various industries have their own benchmarks.
Another financial barometer that you might want to focus in on is how much skin you have invested in your business compared to what the bank has invested. If you are only minimally at risk you might not look like a good credit risk. Think of it as a mortgage where one used to get a loan with little or nothing down and the bank had all the risk that they soon packaged and sold to unsuspecting investors which led to the near collapse of our economy a few years ago. Well those shenanigans are over you need at least 20% down with a lot of scrutiny to get a loan today. For a company your Total Debt to Equity ratio is a short hand way to test how much relative risk the bank wants to take. This is about 2:1, while it was about 3:1 in earlier periods. Here too you bank will come up with values that they are comfortable with by business sector.
There are indeed many more financial things an owner or CEO needs to be looking at to run his company. This includes the granting of credit in terms of both a dollar amount and length of time for payment, the collection activity which is often an outgrowth of ones credit policies, financial risk mitigation in such areas as workers comp, general liability and much more. But if you ask your Controller or VP of Finance to get a clear answer to your questions and don’t accept financial jargon as a response you really don’t understand, you will go a long way to getting a grip on what you need to know about high finance.
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Do you provide serves non profit businesses? Did you know that non profits are not necessarily organizations whose main purposes is being a charity or serve a public interest? Did you know that being a non profit simply means that there are no shareholders expecting a return on their investment and that what might have gone into profit may be paid out in high executive compensation and perks so there is no profit left to distribute? Did you know that non profits pay no taxes there is a very low threshold as to how much money must go to the entity that is a charity or serves a public interest? Many of these organizations have in fact come under governmental scrutiny as a way to dodge IRS taxes.
Although some non profits are indeed poor, many are not. However many firms dealing with them think that non profits operate at very low cost which has led vendors that work with them to provide services at a discount instead of doing business at market price. I often I hear that “we can’t charge them our normal price, they are a non profit” when non profit and ability to pay are no connected. The fact is that being a non-profit may have nothing to do with their finances or their ability to pay. If you want to make a donation to your non-profit client, that is all well in good and can be done as a true charitable donation rather then discounting your service, which will reduce your normal business margins.
By providing your services at a discount may result in opportunity loss. That is doing business at a higher profit if you are at capacity limited in terms of either the services your provide or those people that service that account (i.e. Sales Reps.) and their commission as well. How much you decide to reduce your process by servicing a non-profit should be no different the making a pricing decision for any other account unless you consciously decide to do this and not because they can’t afford it.
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Do you plan your actions and track your performance to see how well you doing and do you provide feedback to those who are responsible for generating your results?
In order to get to where you want to be it is a good idea to have specific objectives in mind and chart a path to reach them. For example if you want to grow it is advisable to determine how you expect that to happen. How will you for example secure your existing client so that your competition will not take them away? If you plan to penetrate new accounts have you identified them and determined their requirements so that you can better meet them then the vendors serving them now? Will you evaluate your staff to see if they are up to the job? Will you need to hire new people to make this happen or is your existing staff capable of doing the job? Either way will you share your objectives with them and plan a course of action to make your plans a reality? Have you determined if you have the financial and technical resources to achieve your goals and if not how will you deal with this?
Once you have accomplished the above, you will need to identify a series of items so you know if you are on track to make your goals. For winning over new prospects his would include things like: identifying which prospects you are targeting, what is their volume in your line of business, how of much of that volume will you need to capture, what incentive will you provide to your staff to motivate them, what inducements will you need to offer to capture those prospect, how long do you expect this process to happen, do you have the financial and other resources to do this, etc. It is surprising how any companies do not go through these types of details so that they can identify their objects and track their performance on a routine basis to know if they are course to achieve them or they need to change tactics.
Once the above has been accomplished then next task is to provide this information to those with the responsibility to make things happen, this is feedback. For example, your sales reps need to know how they are to bring a new targeted prospect on board such as being given pricing authority. The feedback will be if they offer the prices that they think are needed, is this working as intended? If pricing is not the answer what other options do they have, such as providing a high level of quality and service. When they provide those things are they having the desired affect? If these tactics are put into affect are they achieving the results intended and the increase in sales? If they are great; if not how will things be fine tuned or changed? Without good feedback one may be doing the same thing for a protracted period of time when they should be changing course instead of wasting both time and money on things that are not working.
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Optimal Management has served the staffing industry since 1994 and has been a member of NACCB, CSP, ASA and NTSA. Our President, Michael Neidle has been in the staffing industry since 1989, including a senior executive for 2 large national staffing companies, starts-ups and Fortune 500 Corporations in the IT, biotech, service, and manufacturing sectors and is a noted speaker and author. Optimal Management was selected for the 2012 Best of San Mateo Award in the Business Management Consultants category. [More]